Speaking Engagements
Lindy shares visionary concepts about Integrative Medicine during her educational, engaging, and interactive presentations. Workshops range from 90 minutes to a full-day course. Information is drawn from scientific research, evidence-based practice, and clinical experience.

The Wellness Wheel Workshop illuminates the foundation of health and well-being. Participants create a personal Wellness Wheel that explores and embraces the interconnectedness of nutrition, sleep hygiene, mindfulness, and the imponderable influence of screens.
The Concept of a Wellness Wheel has roots that transcend thousands of years. The early models depict circular patterns that symbolize the dimensions of health and the cycles of life.
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- Conferences
- Tele-Conferencing
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- Schools & Universities

The Wellness Wheel: A Guide to Visualize Your Health & Well Being
Informative & interactive, this presentation illuminates visionary concepts about Integrative Medicine. The Wellness Wheel explores the foundation of health and well-being based on the interconnectedness of nutrition, sleep hygiene, and the imponderable influence of screens and mindfulness. The diagram of a wellness wheel helps to visualize the concept that all these aspects are interconnected and directly effect the quality of our lives.
#sleeparchitecture #epigenetics #microbiomeforhealth #mindfulnessbreath
Eat Well, Sleep Well, Learn Well: How Food, Sleep, and Screen Time Affect Attention, Memory, and Executive Function
Proper nutrition, quality sleep hygiene and discerning use of screens are the foundational keynotes of a successful learner. Master knowledge to gain health, confidence and competence at home, school and the greater world at large.
#foodforfocus #bluelightisnotfornight #executivefunction #sensoryregulation
Screens & Your Genes: Imponderable Effects of the Environment
The imponderable influence from screens has changed the course of human history, including our health. Scientific research has proven that our genomes are triggered by direct exposure to energy that eludes the five senses. Learn about the exponential effect of technology as well as informed strategies to navigate daily life and attain mind-body wholeness.
#ageofinformation #EMFphonecomputersTV #bluelight #epigeneticsdeterminehealth
A Mandala of Integrative Medicine: Pendulum Paradigms of Health
Health paradigms are continually evolving and can be difficult to interpret. Establish an understanding of the interconnectedness of brain-gut-health, sleep architecture, and environmental influences on epigenetics. Explore lifestyle modifications to actualize optimal abundance and successfulness.
#mandalasancientwisdom #eatforhealth #sleepwellbewell #decodetechnology
News Center Maine
Watch Video – TENDR Project
Your ADHD Life, hosted by Kristen Milliken PhD
Listen to the Podcast
professional presentations
The Wellness Wheel: Women in Banking Conference
Connecticut Bankers Association
Mystic, CT, April 29th 2022
The Wellness Wheel: A Guide to Visualize Your Health & Well-Being.
Maine Bankers Association.
Telehealth Conference; November 2020
Screens & Your Genes; Imponderable Effects of the Environment.
2018 Joint American Homeopathic Conference: Phoenix, Arizona, April 2018
Innsaei- A Mandala of Integrative Health.
Healing the Healers: An International Conference for Integrative Modalities. Myvatn, Iceland. October 2017
Pendulum Paradigm of Integrative Health.
The Opportunity Alliance, Therapeutic Foster Parent Day Celebration; Portland, ME, May, 2017
Eat Well, Sleep Well, Learn Well: How Food, Sleep, and Screen Time Affect Attention, Memory and Executive Function.
University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME, April, 2017.

A Mandala of Pediatric Integrative Medicine: Pendulum Paradigms of Health and Healing in ASD. Southern Maine Autism Society, Portland, ME, March, 2017.
A Mandala of Integrative Health: A Creative Approach in Clinical Practice Transdisciplinary Workshops, Portland, ME, March, 2017.
A Mandala of Integrative Medicine: Pendulum Paradigms of Health. Healing the Healers: An International Conference for Integrative Modalities; Murphy, CA, September, 2016.
Pendulum Paradigms of Integrative Medicine. Maine Medical Center, Department of Family and Integrative Medicine; Portland, ME, September, 2016.
Eat, Sleep, and Learn: A Mandala of Integrative Health. Brain Injury Association: 6th Annual Conference on Defining Moments in Brain Injury; Portland, ME, October, 2015.
A Mandala of Integrative Medicine: Pendulum Paradigms of Health. The Icelandic Dialogues: An international multidisciplinary, multicultural conference; Reykjavik, Iceland, October, 2015.
Enhancing Self-Regulation: Cutting Edge Research and Best Practice Strategies in Supporting Kids with ADHD, Executive Dysfunction, and Autism. Kaufman Psychological Services, Augusta, ME, December, 2015.
Eat, Sleep, and Learn: A Mandala of Pediatric Health. 52nd Annual International Learning Disability Conference, Chicago, IL, February, 2015.
Eat, Sleep, and Learn: A Mandala of Pediatric Integrative Medicine. Harris Therapy Clinic, Honolulu, HI, March, 2014.
Contact Us
If you are interested in having Lindy present at your program,
please fill out the following form.
If you have any questions, please call 207-781-7880.